We got to go to Utah for Carson's baptism. It was great to see so much family. The cousins always love to get together and play.
Our everyday misadventures become the adventures we wouldn't want to miss
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Carson's baptism
We got to go to Utah for Carson's baptism. It was great to see so much family. The cousins always love to get together and play.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Parker being Parker-Halloween

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Fun with Garrison
Friday, September 5, 2008
Garrison's Birthday
Monday, August 11, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Uncle Robert holding Garrison in front of our hotel. It was an awesome location, right across the street from the Nauvoo temple. The main room the family had included the balcony above the store.
We enjoyed lots of activities in Nauvoo. Here we are in the Family Living Center. We are learning how the pioneers used to make bread.
Rob poses with Addison and Garrison in front of Joseph, Hyrum, and Emma's burial spots.
Parker and I playing the stick game at the Pioneer Pastimes Center.
Rob (with Garrison) also enjoying some other pioneer pastime games.
We tried to recreate those lovely pioneer moments by dressing up in old time clothes. You know how pioneers are NEVER smiling in their photos. Well, we tried to not smile to give some real authenticity, but it just looks like we are scowling, so that didn't turn out very good.
Just more pioneer pasttime fun.
Here's our family on a real ox cart...too bad you can see the ox in the picture.
Addison and Parker with Aunt Abra. I think we are at the brick yard
Okay, so this one has a story. You know how Rob and I have a "kissing cousin" email address. It's because we actually are cousins. Sick, I know. Kidding, we are very distantly related. We are fourth cousins. Our great-great grandfather was Edwin Dilworth Woolley. He was an early pioneer saint who lived in Nauvoo and came out west with Brigham Young. Rob and I were able to find his lot of land that he lived on while in Nauvoo. So, we are kissing on our common ancestors land. Silly, I know.
Here's my mom and dad. Our trip to Nauvoo this year was in honor of their 50th wedding anniversary. My parents wanted to celebrate their annivesary in Nauvoo with their family. So, as many of us kids that could come...came.
Here's all our family that made it to Nauvoo for the reunion/anniversary.
Addison and Parker playing in the Mississippi. The sunsets on the Mississippi are pretty amazing. I don't think this area is usually under water, but with all the flooding in the area it was easy to get right by the water.