Parker LOVES to sell things. Here he is setting up a Pumpkin sale. He has a small following too. He had a lot of friends who wanted to stop by and help him with the sale. He was really generous too and split the earnings with all his little buddies. He made quite a bit too.

Here is Parker's WONDERFUL Harry Potter Quidditch costume. Why is it so wonderful??? Because I put a lot of time and money into it. Rob was not thrilled with this as he says, "You only wear it one day a year!" Yes, but if I'm going to do a costume I sometimes get a little carried away and have to go all out. I made the Quidditch Robe by hand (thanks to Grandma Dalley's help) And bought all the cool other things to make it look as much like the movie as possible. I think it turned out pretty good. We even dyed Parker's hair black. Parker was pretty excited about it all.