So, I have been thinking a lot about Paige today. Our little girl who died at two weeks of age...for those of you who didn't know that.
She died July 2003, it's been about 5 1/2 years. I have to say that time definitely helps heal. Anyway, the reason why I was thinking a lot about her today is because I went and got me legs waxed today. Yes, it was painful. But, anyway, me and the aesthician (sp) got to talking and I ended up telling her the story of how we lost Paige. And as I was telling her about it I found that I had forgotten a lot of the details. I don't generally go into a lot of detail when I talk to people about how we lost her and I hadn't realized I'd forgotten so much. Which means I've been able to put it behind me.
The thought came to me, that although it was so difficult losing her....that I really look forward to the day that she will be with me again. I've heard, or read in the scriptures somewhere that there will be an oppurtunity to raise her in the next life. Won't that be something? To be able to raise a child in a place where you NEVER have to worry about them? I am constantly worrying about my kids here on Earth. What would it be like to raise a child in heaven, where there is nothing to worry about? That thought alone is such a blessing and comfort.

Sorry, I'm just rambling today...but thought I'd share my thoughts...and a picture.