Our everyday misadventures become the adventures we wouldn't want to miss


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Christmas in Oregon

It was a winter wonderland in Oregon this year.  It never snows there, and when it does it melts within a few hours.  So, this was a very unique Christmas.  I had to take pictures outside my parents house to never forget the Christmas in Oregon with a foot of snow.  At it stayed the whole time we were there.
Did I mention we drove there from Idaho??  Yeah, it was scary.  It normally is a twelve hour drive...but there was a blizzard in the Columbia River Gorge...so it took us seventeen hours this time.  Did I also mention that they don't have snow plows in Oregon???  This was the first time we have ever actually had to use our snow chains.  The plows never did come thru the whole entire Portland area.  They just wait til it melts.  Coming from Idaho that is a really weird thing.
This was Rob's picture.  Another new thing for this Idaho Boy was seeing ice over everything.  I know you can't tell very well from this picture, but our van is completed incased in a layer of ice.  Rob had never seen anything like it, so he took a picture.

Sooooo.....what do you do when you are snowed in at Grandma and Grandpa's house???
You play games!!!
Christmas Eve picture of Robert's Family
Christmas Eve Picture of Paul's Family
Christmas Eve of our Family.
Don't we already look tired??
Christmas morning for Garrison
Christmas morning for Parker.  He loves all his Lego Loot!
He scored a big Rubbermaid container of Legos.  Thousands and thousands of pieces.
Addison really wanted a horse for Christmas.  So, she got one!  And the best part....we don't have to feed or clean up after this one.
We seriously had a wonderful time in Oregon this year.  Although the drive to and from was extremely scary at times.  It was worth all the fun times and memories.  We feel very blessed this year and we are especially grateful for FAMILY.


  1. We're glad that you were able to make it there and back safely and glad Mark could help navigate you. ;) I'm glad you posted pictures...it looks like you had a great time together!

  2. Nathan's parents also drove to Portland for Christmas and they too had a crazy time getting there and back. You'll have to ask them if you see them at church.

  3. WOW that is a lot of snow. I am glad you arrived safely. You should have stayed here one night. I am glad your christmas was excellent. Your kids are growing up so fast. Garrison and Adi look identical to me. Ok minus the boy and girl thing!!
