Not the best pictures....but here is Parker with his Pinewood derby car, and another picture of him earning his "Wolf" badge. When they earn a rank they get to give their mother a pin for helping them achieve a new rank, so it's actually a picture of Parker pinning a pin on me. How do you like my Cubmaster shirt? Oh yeah, I'm the Cubmaster for Parker's pack. I know now more about scouts than I ever thought I would. It was always in the plan that once our boys were old enough for scouts Rob would be in charge of all things scouting. But, that planned changed quickly since I am now the Cubmaster.
Parker LOVES scouting! And now that I understand it, and am involved, I think it's pretty cool too.
Parker LOVES scouting! And now that I understand it, and am involved, I think it's pretty cool too.
You need to start a new scout badge: Fashion Shirts for Moms! It's nice that a mom gets a little recognition. Congrats Parker!