Our everyday misadventures become the adventures we wouldn't want to miss


Monday, January 26, 2009

Parker snowboarding etc

Parker and his dad got to go snowboarding a few weeks ago at the local Kelly Canyon Ski resort.  Parker went for his first time last year, but they got to go again this year.  Parker loves it and thinks it's really cool.  We put him in lessons last year, but he prefers to just go with his dad instead of doing lessons.  Rob says Parker his crazy and just likes to go straight down the hill super fast.  He's not very good at turning yet, and usually crashes when he tries to practice turning....hence the helmet.
On a side note, Parker is also on a ballroom dance team.  This is him at his very first performance.  Here he is doing the Samba with his partner Alayna.  They are soo cute.  They have another performance/competition next month, they will be doing the Samba again and also the Waltz and the Cha Cha.  I know you can't tell in this picture(probably because he is concentrating), but he really enjoys it and plans on doing it again next year.


  1. what cute pictures! I didn't know Parker was dancing!

  2. So, when did Parker's hair get so dark? Did you color it?
